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What is @ndtvdotbot?

  • @ndtvdotbot is our Twitter account which helps users search for specific news content on via the social media platform.

    Users can simply ask the bot for the latest news on a topic and the service will return the most relevant and up-to-date content. Finding a relevant story, stock market update or cricket score is therefore quicker and easier!

How does it work?

  • Users can search for content by tweeting a query or topic to @ndtvdotbot. The bot will immediately reply with a tweet containing a link to our latest coverage that best matches the searched keyword(s).

    Results sent by our service will be available in your 'Mentions' feed. These tweets will be sent by one of our related accounts - FromNDTV or FromNDTV1 - and will have @username.
    Eg: @ndtvdotbot 2G Scam
    Eg: @ndtvdotbot Big Fight

What type of content is covered?

Can I submit the same query multiple times?

  • You are more than welcome. But Twitter doesn't allow for multiple tweets asking for the same information in a short span of time. The workaround this is to delete the earlier tweet and submit a fresh one.

How can I submit feedback?

  • We value every feedback we receive and will use your comments as we strive to improve your @ndtvdotbot experience. Please do send us your suggestions.

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