This Article is From Apr 16, 2013

PM Manmohan Singh condemns Boston Marathon blasts; writes to US President Barack Obama

PM Manmohan Singh condemns Boston Marathon blasts; writes to US President Barack Obama
New Delhi: Strongly condemning the Boston bomb blasts, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today wrote to US President Barack Obama expressing solidarity with the American people in the wake of the "senseless and cowardly act".

He said it was a "tragic reminder" that the evil of terrorism that still threatened the US and India and "lurks in our cities".

"The people of India join me in condemning the attack in the strongest terms. We stand in solidarity and sympathy with the bereaved families, the injured and the people of the United States," he said expressing shock and sadness over the attack.

Dr Singh also offered full support to the US in the investigations into the attack.

He said the outrageous terror act has redoubled the resolve to remain unrelenting in efforts to defeat terrorism and defend and uphold values that define the two nations.

At least three people were killed and more than a hundred injured in the blasts near the finish line of the annual Boston marathon yesterday.
