This Article is From Feb 08, 2015

No Happy Hours for Trinamool Minister in Jail

Trinamool Congress's Transport Minister Madan Mitra


The consumption of alcohol has now become the latest tool in the political battle between the Trinamool and the Left.  Specifically, the consumption of alcohol in jail. The trigger? The clandestine supply of alcohol to a Trinamool minister jailed for links with the Saradha scam.

On Saturday, transport minister Madan Mitra was emerging from a government hospital after some routine medical tests when he was obliquely asked, how come alcohol was being supplied in jail? Mr Mitra didn't blink. He rephrased a rude phrase in Bengali and said, "Ask elders at home, they will tell you."

According to sources in Alipore Correctional Home, where the transport minister has been lodged after his arrest in December in the Saradha scam, about a month ago, Mr Mitra complained one evening that he was feeling unwell but refused to go to hospital. When a doctor finally checked him, the diagnosis was, Mr Mitra was not ill. He was inebriated.

Investigations revealed water bottles sent to Mr Mitra from home were spiked. Known to be partial, he promised to stop and now all home supplies of food and drink are randomly checked.

The Opposition has been sniggering till now. Today CPM Politburo member and Left Front leader Biman Bose said, "What kind of leaders are these Trinamool leaders? They have even turned the jail into a bar. The people are watching everything."

So, for now, happy hours are over for Madan Mitra. But till at least last month, he did manage to stay on liquid diet.
