This Article is From Mar 13, 2014

The strange tale of 'strangers' kissing

The strange tale of 'strangers' kissing
New Delhi: You'd have to be dead inside not to be moved to either smiles or tears or both by this video (below) of 'strangers' kissing. Except that they're not really a bunch of random people interrupted while drinking coffee, walking the dog or otherwise minding their own business which is really what would make them 'strangers.'

In fact, they are a group of models, actors and musicians - performers who conjure up such moments for a living - numbering among them author Ernest Hemingway's great-granddaughter Langley Fox.

However, let this small nugget of reality not stop you from savouring the emotions evoked by the film itself - the awkwardness as the 'strangers' face each other transforms into instant intimacy as they begin to kiss, a live action short story that no real romantic could fail to be moved by. And aren't we all romantics at heart - yes, even you giving us a hard look, tough guy, we see you.  

Most of all, let it not stop you from taking on board the message the film offers - the importance of making connections, real and human ones, in a world fast shrinking into a digital cosmos.

Watch the 'strangers' kiss, it's lovely anyway:
