This Article is From Oct 27, 2015

Viral Now: This Cuddle-Fest Between Baby and Puppies is Pure Joy

Viral Now: This Cuddle-Fest Between Baby and Puppies is Pure Joy

Screengrabs taken from YouTube video uploaded by pugsnkisses84

Nothing can compete with the overload of cuteness in this video going viral all over the Internet. Seriously, the world can do with a lot more of this.

All of 29-seconds-long, the video shows a little baby named Louie from Scotland giggling as he plays with two equally adorable puppy pugs. The eight-month-old is seen sitting in his living room in a blue onesie, laughing away to glory as the pooches frolic all around and over him. 

It's like the puppies are on a mission to make the little tot happy. Could there be anything more adorable? Take a look:

And this isn't all. There are many more such delightful videos of baby Louie playing with dogs like they are his best friends.

Like these videos below posted on Instagram. Louie loves his furry companions, even if they are almost as big as him.

Little cuteness to end your weekend! baby Louie and his BFF Moo volume required

A video posted by Pugsnkisses84 (@pugsnkisses84) on

Louie isn't afraid of telling off his friends when they play rough.

Sassy pants telling puppy off for playing to rough, and baby Louie finding it hilarious ! *volume required

A video posted by Pugsnkisses8 (@pugsnkisses84) on

We love you baby Louie.

Pucker up baby Louie!

A photo posted by Pugsnkisses84 (@pugsnkisses84) on
