10 Tips to help a woman conceive
Being healthy and having regular menstrual cycles increases the chances of conceiving a healthy baby and carrying the baby to full term. Apart from these, having a good diet, avoiding alcohol and knowing your fertile period are great aids for easy and healthy conception.
If your cycles are very regular, you may be able to determine when you ovulate: in the average menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs 14 days before the menstrual period arrives - or on day 14 of a 28-day cycle. So if you subtract 14 days from the length of your cycle, you'll get an idea of when you ovulate.
If you have just come off the contraceptive pill and are ready to have a baby, be prepared for the fact that conception may not happen straight away. The hormones in the pill have been running and regulating your menstrual cycle, not your body. When you come off the pill it takes a little while for your body to regain its natural hormonal rhythm, which varies from one woman to another.