How much TV does your child watch?
Many researches have shown the adverse effects of television (TV) on children. TV affects child's sleep, weight, grades, behaviour, and more. So, there are some tips on how much your child should watch television.
Set limits on the amount of TV your child watches. Be firm. Limit children's TV viewing to an hour or two daily. Before children watch television, they should do their homework and chores, but TV should not be used as a reward. Helping children find things to do instead of watching TV, such as sports, hobbies, or family activities, can make setting limits easier.
Know what television shows your child watches. Watch TV with your child. When programs show sex, alcohol or drug abuse, or violence, talk about what you see. Help your child understand what he is watching. This is a good time to reinforce your own family values.
Do not allow your child to have a TV set in his bedroom. Not only will he tend to watch more TV, but he will probably stay in his room away from other family members. When a child watches TV in his own bedroom, it is harder for parents to guide his programme choices. He may get less sleep, causing him to be tired at school the next day.