This Article is From Mar 01, 2017

President Donald Trump's First Address To US Congress: Highlights

President Donald Trump's First Address To US Congress: Highlights
Donald Trump addressed US Congress for the first time since his swearing in as US President.
Washington DC: Donald Trump is addressing the US Congress for the first time since his swearing in as US President today. Since his inauguration, Mr Trump has taken a strong position on issues of immigration, wherein he imposed a temporary ban on the inflow of migrants and refugees of seven Muslim-dominated nation - Syria, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan and Libya.  Mr Trump also promised to repeal and replace Obamacare with an "improved" health plan.  In his speech, the US President is seeking to reframe his young presidency, boost low approval ratings and detail an agenda of economic empowerment, health reforms and increased defense spending. Mr Trump's hawkish message - imposing travel restrictions, proposing border walls and roughly 10 per cent budget boost in national security - will continue in a primetime address to lawmakers. Mr Trump has been a staunch proponent of an 'America First' policy. Addressing the nation on his inauguration day, the real-estate billionaire-turned US President said that his administration will focus on 'Buy American, Hire American' policy.

Here are the highlights of Donald Trump's speech:
  • I am here tonight to deliver a message of unity and strength, and it is a message delivered from my heart
  • Recent threats targeting Jewish cemeteries as well as last week's shooting at Kansas remind us that we are a nation that stands united in condemning hate and evil in all of its very ugly forms.
  • We've defended the borders of other nations, while leaving our own borders wide open, for anyone to cross
  • America must put its own citizens first. Because only then, can we truly MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.
  • Dying industries will come roaring back to life. Heroic veterans will get the care they so desperately need.
  • Our neglected inner cities will see a rebirth of hope, safety, and opportunity.
  • The stock market has gained almost three trillion dollars in value since the election on November 8th, a record.
  • We have placed a hiring freeze on non-military and non-essential Federal workers.
  • We have begun to drain the swamp of government corruption by imposing a 5-year ban on lobbying by executive branch officials.
  • We have cleared the way for the construction of the Keystone and Dakota Access Pipelines.
  • We have withdrawn the United States from the job-killing Trans-Pacific Partnership.
  • To protect our citizens, I have directed the Justice Department to form a Task Force on Reducing Violent Crime.
  • We will stop the drugs from pouring into our country and poisoning our youth.
  • By finally enforcing our immigration laws, we will raise wages, help the unemployed, save billions of dollars and make our communities safer.
  • With the help of PM Trudeau, we have formed a council with Canada to ensure women entrepreneurs live their financial dreams.
  • We must restore integrity and the rule of law at our borders.
  • We will soon begin the construction of a great, great wall along our southern border.
  • We are also taking strong measures to protect our nation from Radical Islamic Terrorism.
  • It is not compassionate, but reckless, to allow uncontrolled entry from places where proper vetting cannot occur.
  • Those given the high honor of admission to the United States should support this country and love its people and its values.
  • We cannot allow our Nation to become a sanctuary for extremists.
  • As promised, I directed the Department of Defence to develop a plan to demolish and destroy ISIS.
  • I have... reaffirmed our unbreakable alliance with the State of Israel.
  • Ninety-four million Americans are out of the labor force
  • In the last 8 years, the past Administration has put on more new debt than nearly all other Presidents combined.
  • Our trade deficit in goods with the world last year was nearly $800 billion
  • Right now, American companies are taxed at one of the highest rates anywhere in the world.
  • When we ship products out of US, countries charge us a lot in tariffs. Whereas when they export their products into US, we charge them nothing.
  • Harley Davidson told me its hard to do business with others because other nations tax their motorcycles at 100 per cent. They didn't ask for a change but I AM!
  • We must restart the engine of the American economy, making it easier for companies to do business in the US & much harder for them to leave
  • I believe strongly in free trade but it also has to be fair trade. It's time we heeded The first Republican President Lincoln's advice.
  • We must create a level playing field for American companies and our workers.
  • America must put its own citizens first
  • I am not going to let America and its great companies and workers be taken advantage of any longer
  • Protecting our workers also means reforming our system of legal immigration.
  • Nations around the world, like Canada, Australia and many others, have a merit-based immigration system.
  • Our current immigration system costs America's taxpayers many billions of dollars a year
  • I believe Republicans and Democrats can work together to achieve an outcome that has eluded our country for decades.
  • The time has come for a new program of national rebuilding
  • In the last 8 years, the past Administration has put on more new debt than nearly all other Presidents combined.
  • US has spent 6 trillion dollars in middle east while our infrastructure was crumbling. We could've rebuilt our country twice, maybe thrice with that amount if we had people who could negotiate.
  • President Trump says he will ask Congress to approve $1 trillion investment in US infrastructure.
  • This effort will be guided by two core principles: Buy American & Hire American.
  • Tonight, I am also calling on this Congress to repeal and replace Obamacare.
  • Mandating every American to buy government-approved health insurance was never the right solution for our country.
  • Obamacare is collapsing - and we must act decisively to protect all Americans. Action is not a choice, it is a necessity.
  • We should ensure that Americans with pre-existing conditions have access to coverage
  • We should implement legal reforms that protect patients and doctors from unnecessary costs.
  • The time has come to give Americans the freedom to purchase health insurance across state lines.
  • Everything that is broken in our country can be fixed. Every problem can be solved. And every hurting family can find healing, and hope.
  • Why not join forces to finally get the job done and get it done right?
  • Democrats and Republicans should get together and unite for the good of our country, and for the good of the American people.
  • True love for our people requires us to find common ground, to advance the common good.
  • An incredible young woman is among us who inspires us. Today is 'rare disease' day and we have a survivor present here in Megan Crowley. Diagnosed with Pompe disease at 15 months, she was not expected to live past 5. On receiving this news, her dad foght with everything he had. He founded a company to find a cure. Today she is 20 and a sophomore at Notre Dame.
  • Those seeking to enter a country ought to be able to support themselves financially.
  • Education is the civil rights issue of our time.
  • I am calling upon members of both parties to pass an education bill that funds school choice for disadvantaged youth.
  • President Trump calls on lawmakers to ensure paid family leave.
  • To break poverty, we must also break the cycle of violence.
  • Every American child should be able to grow up in a safe community, to attend a great school, & to have access to a high-paying job.
  • But to create this future, we must work with - not against - the men and women of law enforcement.
  • We must provide the men and women of the US Military with the tools they need to prevent war and - if they must - TO FIGHT AND TO WIN.
  • To keep America Safe we must provide the men and women of the United States military with the tools they need.
  • I am sending the Congress a budget that rebuilds the military.
  • My budget will also increase funding for our veterans. Our veterans have delivered for this nation and now we must deliver for them.
  • None are greater or braver than those who fight for America in uniform.
  • To those allies who wonder what kind of friend America will be, look no further than the heroes who wear our uniform.
  • We strongly support NATO that dethroned fascism and the Cold War and defeated communism.
  • But our partners must meet their financial obligations. Now, they are beginning to do just that. I can tell you the money is pouring in.
  • We will respect historic institutions, but we will also respect the foreign rights of nations and they have to respect our rights.
  • We want harmony and stability, not war and conflict. We want peace, wherever peace can be found.
  • My job is not to represent the world. My job is to represent the United States of America.
  • At the celebration of America's centenial, Graham Bell unveiled the telephone, Remington unveiled the first typewriter, Edison introduced the telegraph.
  • Hopefully, the 250th year for America will see a world that is more peaceful, more just and more free.
  • Millions lifted from welfare to work is not too much to expect.
  • We all bleed the same blood. We all salute the same great American flag. And we are all made by the same God.
  • The time for small thinking is over. The time for trivial fights is behind us.
  • From now on, America will be empowered by our aspirations, not burdened by our fears.
  • I ask everyone watching tonight to seize this moment, believe in yourselves and your future and believe in America.
  • Thank you, God bless you, and God Bless these United States.

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