A BJP lawmaker from Agra in Uttar Pradesh has been caught on camera threatening and abusing a top officer. Udaybhan Chaudhary, 70, the Fatehpur Sikri lawmaker, had gone to meet Sub Divisional Magistrate (SDM) Garima Singh this morning along with a group of protesting farmers. An inquiry has been ordered in the case.
"Don't you know I am an MLA? Don't you realise my power, the power of democracy?" Mr Chaudhary was heard screaming at Ms Singh in the video. Much of what he said was drowned in noisy slogans of "SDM murdabad (down with SDM)" by the group with him. He was leading the farmers' who wanted the officer to talk to banks over loan repayments.
Defending his actions, Mr Chaudhary claimed that it was his "moral right to reprimand the officer" as she was like his "daughter". He alleged that Ms Singh had "roughly interacted" with the farmers as well.
In an interview to ANI Ms Singh said, "Even if he (BJP Agra MLA) was unhappy with something, he could've talked in a better way. The way he talked to a public servant isn't right. A procedure has to be followed, I can't discard orders and take steps in other ways. He shouldn't have spoken like that I'm sad."
The IAS Association stood firmly behind Ms Singh after the video went viral. The officers' group took to Twitter and said, "Threatening young IAS officers working in the field is not acceptable...Proud of Garima Singh, IAS for standing firm and not giving in to intimidation."
Threatening young IAS officers working in the field is not acceptable. IAS officers across the country work under challenging circumstances and ensure Rule of Law is upheld. Proud of Garima Singh IAS for standing firm and not giving in to intidimation. #IAS
— IAS Association (@IASassociation) December 18, 2018
People on Twitter sharply reacted to the threatening video, which already has thousands of views. Some said, "Sure people will show the power of democracy in next election to this 'powerful' Chaudhary" while others said, "These politicians forget that we vote them to power.. without us they are nothing."
Sure people will show the power of democracy in next election to this "powerful" Chaudhary .
— Anjul Sahu (@anjuls) December 18, 2018
These politicians forget that we vote them to power.. without us they are nothing
— my fight 4 justice! (@true_indian5) December 18, 2018
Last year, Mr Choudhary was named in a First Information Report for allegedly instigating a mob in Agra's Sadar Bazar.
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