Gujarat reported a record spike of 4,541 COVID-19 cases in the last 24 hours, taking the state's tally to 3,37,015, an official said on Friday.
The death count rose by 42 to touch 4,697 during the period, while the recovery count stood at 3,09,626, or 91.87 per cent of the caseload, after 2,280 people were discharged from hospitals, he added.
Ahmedabad saw a record 1,296 new cases, the first time the tally in the state's largest city saw a four figure addition, followed by 891 cases in Surat city, 340 in Rajkot city and 256 in Vadodara city, the official added.
"Of the 42 deaths, 15 took place in Surat, 12 in Ahmedabad, six in Vadodara, four in Rajkot and one each in Bhavnagar, Chhotaudepur, Dahod, Gandhinagar and Jamnagar. The total active cases now stand at 22,692, of which, 187 are on ventilator support," the official informed.
A state government release said 76.30 lakh persons in the state have so far been given the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, while 9. 84 lakh have received the second dose as well.
In Dadra Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu, 41 cases were reported in the last 24 hours, and 21 people recovered, leaving the Union Territory with a caseload of 3,865 and recovery count of 3,624, an official said.
With two deaths so far, the number of active cases in the Union Territory is 239, he added.