This Article is From Dec 23, 2010

NIFT to celebrate Converge 2010 and silver jubilee

Ahmedabad: For the first time in the five years of 'Converge' - National Institute of Fashion Technology's (NIFT) annual event -- being celebrated across India, the celebrations will, this year, take place at the Gandhinagar NIFT campus. This year, the event will be celebrated from December 22 to 25.

But what the NIFT community is most excited about is that the silver jubilee celebrations have been clubbed with those of Converge 2010.

Converge is being celebrated with the objective of bringing together NIFT students from across India on a common platform for recreation, cultural & sports activities.

"This year, Converge has come to Gandhinagar campus for the first time, bringing along
750 students from 15 centres. Students of NIFT Gandhinagar have been preparing for the same since nearly three months," centre of coordinator, Department of Fashion Technology (DFT), Amisha Mehta said.

Talking about the silver jubilee celebrations, Mehta said, "Mainly, NIFT-Delhi has completed 25 years, and other centres such as Bangalore, Mumbai, Gandhinagar and Chennai have completed 15 years. However, the silver jubilee celebrations will take place over the entire year, beginning from December 23, 2010, when the logo of NIFT's completion of 25 years will be unveiled."

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