Five people have been arrested and two policemen suspended after a 30-year-old man died over allegedly asking for extra raita (curd) along with biryani at a hotel in Hyderabad. According to police, the incident took place at a Meridian Biryani Restaurant in Punjagutta crossroads area on Sunday. An argument broke out between the man, identified as Liyaqat, and staff of the hotel over his demand of extra raita. It later turned violent and Liyaqat was beaten to death, the police further said.
Liyaqat and his friends were reportedly in an inebriated condition when they reached Meridian Hotel to get the biryani packed. The 30-year-old started abusing the hotel staff when his demand was refused.
The video of the incident, captured on CCTV, has appeared on social media. It shows two groups of men clashing with each other.
ఎక్స్ట్రా పెరుగు కోసం గొడవలో పోలీసుల ముందే దాడి చేసిన మెరిడియన్ రెస్టారెంట్ సిబ్బంది#MeridianRestaurant #Meridian
— Telugu Scribe (@TeluguScribe) September 11, 2023
They later went to the police station where Liyaqat reportedly complained of chest pain and subsequently collapsed.
He could not be revived and was declared dead in hospital.
An autopsy will determine the cause of the death, police said.
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