A woman sub inspector from Andhra Pradesh has won the internet for carrying the body of an old, unidentified, homeless man for 2 kilometres and doing his last rites when the locals backed off, refusing help.
Images and videos of a uniformed K Sirisha carrying the body through paddy fields of Srikakulam district's coastal town of Palasa have been shared widely on the internet since Monday, with admirers showering praises and "salutes".
Ms Sirisha is seen carrying the front of the makeshift stretcher helped by one other man who stepped forward when he saw her try to lift the body all by herself.
The Andhra Pradesh Police, which praised the inspector, also tweeted a video of the incident showing the cop march on even as a panting voice is overheard saying 'Please leave madam'.
"It okay," said Ms Sirisha, who also helped with the final rites by handing the body over to the Lalitha Charitable Trust.
"DGP Gautam Sawang lauds the humanitarian gesture of inspector K Sirisha of Kasibugga police station," the Andhra Pradesh Police wrote on Twitter.
An image of the incident was also shared by Sunil Deodhar, BJP National Secretary and co-incharge of Andhra Pradesh.
"Salute to Kasibugga sub inspector K Sirisha, who went a step ahead while performing her duties and carried an old woman's (man) dead body for 2kms and helped in performing last rites. Along with performing the duties of a public officer, she's shown public responsibility too," he tweeted.
Incidentally, the man was found dead in the fields and could not be identified, so the villagers declined to carry the body.