In a shocking incident, two girls were expelled from a government school in Andhra Pradesh for reportedly being drunk in class. The Class 9 students had reportedly carried soft drinks mixed with alcohol in the class room and were sipping from the bottle while the teacher was in the class.
The smell of alcohol and also their unusual behaviour with their classmates reportedly gave them away.
Headmaster, Battu Suresh Kumar, said that this is not the first time that girls were caught drunk in school. "The girls said their fathers were addicted to alcohol and drank at home and they got into the habit of tasting the leftovers and soon became addicted," Mr Kumar said.
The school authorities said that the girls were a bad influence on other students and had to be expelled.
Activists questioned why were the girls not being sent for counselling and de-addiction instead of being expelled, which could be counter-productive.
"Substance abuse is quite common and what youngsters need is counselling to help them adopt a healthy lifestyle, not punishment," said activists.
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