This Article is From Mar 24, 2012

Mother-son duo electrocuted

Karimnagar: A woman and her son weretoday electrocuted and three others suffered burn injures in avillage near here in Andhra Pradesh, police said.

The incident took place at Chilvakodur village, nearly60km from here, according to Circle Inspector P Mahender.

The woman, P Gangavva (46), was putting clothes fordrying on a wire tied to an electric pole. While doing so, oneof the clothes touched the high tension wire and it resultedin electric shocks to Gangavva leading to her instant death.

Her family members tried to save her but in theattempt, her son P Mahesh (20) was also electrocuted.

Gangavva's husband Rajanna (49), another son P Kumara Swamy(26) and daughter P Mamatha (16) sustained burn injures, theCircle Inspector added.