Some fans of actor-politician Pawan Kalyan were arrested from Soundarya Theatre in Andhra Pradesh's Parvatipuram on Friday for performing 'milk abhishekham' (showering milk) of the screen in theatre where his latest film 'Bro' was released. In the frenzy, the theatre screen was torn, which led to police action. Some youngsters, with clothes torn, were taken away by the police. They were crying while sitting in the police jeep. Directed by Samuthirakani, 'Bro' also stars Sai Dharam Tej along with Priya Prakash Varrier, Ketika Sharma, Brahmanandam, Subbaraju and Vennela Kishore.
Some videos posted on social media show the actor's fans celebrating outside theatres in Hyderabad and other places in the state.
The Mass Celebrations strikes a new peak 🔥🥁
— BRO (@BROTheMovie) July 28, 2023
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One of the clips shows a fan climbing up the stairs and applying vermillion on Pawan Kalyan's movie poster.
Days before the release of 'Bro', which is the remake of Tamil film 'Vinodhaya Sitham', Pawan Kalyan said that the Telugu film industry offer equal opportunities to everyone, regardless of their backgrounds.
Talking about the new guidelines of the Film Employees Federation of South India (FEFSI), which say only Tamil artists should star in Tamil films, the actor said the Tamil film industry too should be inclusive.
He added that 'Bro' features Sujith Vaassudev who is from Kerala, and Urvashi Rautela from the North.
Pawan Kalyan plays the role of Time God (named Titan) in 'Bro'. He offers a second chance to the film's lead character who dies in a road accident.
The character Markandeya (played by Sai Dharam Tej) pleads before the Time God to give him another chance since he has a lot of family responsibilities.
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