This Article is From Jun 21, 2011

Diplomat's lawyer refutes domestic help's allegations

New York: Prabhu Dayal, the Indian Consul General in New York, has been accused of treating a former domestic help as a slave and making sexual advances, charges rejected by him as "complete nonsense".

His lawyer issued a press release refuting the domestic help's allegations. Below is the press release:

A formerly happy domestic aide, living it up in a studio apartment in the former Astor Mansion off Fifth Avenue, apparently crazed about illegally cashing in on America's need for domestic help wanted to moonlight in violation of her contract, American visa, and her India-issued "official" "white" passport, which is issued to "service and administrative staff" of consular posts. Counsul General Dayal did not permit such illegality nor turn a blind eye to violation of American law.

A woman who was so happy with Consul General Prabhu Dayal and his family, that she repeatedly wanted to work for him after working for him in India from March 2003 to July 2004. She worked for him in Morocco where he was India's Ambassador to that nation from July 2004 to July 2008, and went on India-home leave for a month during October 2005. Then, she insisted upon joining him in New York six months after he had assumed his duties in New York on September 6, 2008, and came to New York on February 23, 2009 and abandoned her employment for illegal riches from illegal employment on January 28, 2010 at about 3pm. This fraudster of a woman, seeing dollar signs, has hit on a "GET RICH QUICK" scheme after a year and a half of illegally staying and working in New York: fraudulent defamation of a highly respected and honored member of the diplomatic corps  in New York. This scheme won't work. American courts are well known for repelling fabricated allegations, and in federal court, Rule 11 serves to remind all, client and lawyer, of the real cost of friivolity and fabrication: full indemnification, including, attorneys fees, in addition to court-ordered sanctions.

The apartment she occupied in the former Astor Mansion, now India House, located at 3 East 64th Street, is a separate studio partment #3 on the fifth floor. After her abandonment, Mrs Dayal's brother has stayed in that apartment, as well as many other personal guests of the Dayals.

She has betrayed the trust of the Dayal family, India, and the United States, with her illegal abandonment of emplyment in favor of illegal higher pay from illegal employers. That she alone of the approximately 70 Consulate staff had the key to the Consul General's apartment on the fouth floor, aside from the Dayal family, speaks volumes of the trust bestowed upon her, which she betrayed selfishly and obviously once even had a sexual fantasy.

Santosh Bhardwaj, a 45-year old non-vegitarian Indian citizen here in the United States on an "official" Indian "white" passport arrived in New York on February 23, 2009, and abandoned her legal visa-based contractual employment on January 28, 2010, as her boss, CG Dayal, would not agree to her moonlighting in New York as an illegal domestic for other employers for her considerable off-time. Her illegal desires for illegal employment was the solitary reason for her leaving her $400-a-week employment as it was contractually based upon $10-an-hour, less normal applicable taxes etc. That she was paid her salary, with necessary holdback for social security, income taxes is beyond dispute and documented with payments, as desired by her, as she did not maintain a bank account in New York. Payment was made via remittances to her two accounts in India, payment for medical and dental bills of hers, payment for her airline expense, payments in cash to her for pocket money here in New York.

The Chinese rightly say that a picture says a thousand words. Well, the pictures of her apartment #3 on the 5th floor of the Mansion would make every student drool for such a big studio apartment, almost 300 square feet in a door-man building, that has a grey-striped lounge chair, 2 velvet armchairs with matching ottomans, a queen sized bed with a side table that has a lamp and a telephone with service all across America! There is a 24" color television, a huge floor mirror, a dresser, a large closet and a full three piece bathroom with an amazing skylight to die for. Only thing missing was a kitchen. It sets the standard for a well-rested and well-loved home help, that is thought off as a family member and accordingly trusted.
