This Article is From Apr 11, 2013

Indian Navy on allegations of sexual harassment against officers

Dear Sir,

We have received queries from more than one national TV channel about certain allegations levelled by the estranged spouse of a  young Lieutenant at Kochi. Whilst not taking sides in a dispute between two adults,  we would like you to be informed of our version.

A marital discord between a serving Officer and his spouse has resulted in the spouse of the Officer lodging an FIR with the local Police here. In cases of marital discord, there are bound to be bitter acrimony and mutual accusations and counter accusations. Such issues need to be dealt with sensitivity and as per laws of the land. Unlike the corporate world, in the Navy, the support system including the superior officers, and families of colleagues also endeavour to resolve such issues in the traditional esprit de corps, prevalent in the Forces.

However, in this specific case, the wife of the officer has leveled unfair allegations against superior officers in her husband's chain of command, their spouses and other officers who have interacted with her. These officers accompanied by their respective spouses had tried to unsuccessfully resolve the issues dogging the couple's personal life in a bid to leverage the strength of the Naval community bond.  Unfortunately the Lady had resorted to such methods of dragging her estranged spouse's colleagues into the vortex of their unhappy relationship, in the past too in other units in which her husband has served. The couple was also sent to a marriage councilor under the aegis of the Navy Wives Welfare Association. Southern Naval Command will co operate with the law enforcement agencies to ensure speedy completion of investigation to clear the fair name of the officers who intervened in the line of duty to resolve the domestic discord of a young officer.
