This Article is From Nov 22, 2010

Jagan TV's Sonia report is 'very serious'

Hyderabad, New Delhi: Even as it tries to claw its way out of the 2G morass, the Congress has another problem to contend with in the South.

The party is confronting a full-frontal assault by Jaghan Mohan Reddy in Andhra Pradesh. Jagan's father, the massively-popular YSR Reddy, died in a helicopter crash in September last year. Since then, Jagan has been combating K Rosaiah, the man who replaced his father as Chief Minister.

Law Minister Veerappa Moily declared that the party has received its report from Andhra Pradesh on a TV show aired by a channel owned by Jagan. The report was biting about both the Prime Minister and Sonia Gandhi. "The matter is very serious," said Moily.

The show aired first on Friday. Over the weekend, a re-run of the program aired without the controversial remarks. (Read: Jagan-owned TV airs show slamming Sonia, PM)

Those who run Sakshi TV, owned by Jagan, tried to provide him some cover, stating that he was not aware of the story before it aired.

That theory was dismissed bluntly by the president of the state's Congress unit. "I feel it could not have happened without the knowledge of the management and that it was done intentionally," said D Srinivas.

Over the last few months, Jagan has openly defied orders from the party's leaders in Delhi, who asked him to cancel his odarpu yatra - described by Jagan as a consolation tour to meet families who were profoundly affected by his father's death. The road trip was more of a show of strength by Jagan orchestrated to prove that for voters, he is the heir apparent to his father's political legacy. Thousands lined up to greet Jagan, and several Congress MLAs ignored party warnings to accompany him when he visited their constituencies.