This Article is From Feb 21, 2011

President addresses Parliament, says govt committed to tackling menace of black money

President addresses Parliament, says govt committed to tackling menace of black money
New Delhi: With the issue of black money stashed abroad coming into focus, President Pratibha Patil
today said the government stood committed to tackling the menace frontally.

"My government stands committed to tackling the menace frontally. It requires diligent, sustained effort by all law enforcement agencies including those of state governments,"
she said addressing a joint sitting of members of Parliament, marking the start of the budget session.

She expressed concern over ill effects of black money, especially that was allegedly stashed away in foreign banks either through evasion of taxes on income earned legitimately or through illegal activities.

Noting that the government has taken many steps to strengthen the legal framework, the President said a multi-disciplinary study has been commissioned to go into its
ramifications for national security and recommend a suitable framework to tackle it.

Declaring that the government would spare no effort in bringing back to India "what belongs to it and to bring the guilty to book, the President said the steps taken so far have
led to additional collection of taxes of Rs 34,601 crore and detection of additional income of Rs 48,784 crore."

Detailing the steps taken by the government, she said India was also working closely with the international community especially through the G-20, to expedite the process of identification and recovery of such money.

She said India is now a member of the Financial Action Task Force in recognition of its anti-money laundering and anti-tax evasion measures and has also gained membership of the Eurasian Group and the Task Force on Financial Integrity and Economic Development.

Turning to the issue of corruption in the wake of rash of scams that have surfaced recently, she said, "Our citizens deserve good governance. It is their entitlement and our

"My government stands committed to improving the quality of governance and enhancing transparency, probity and integrity in public life," Patil said.

She said that a Group of Ministers was considering all measures including legislative and administrative to tackle corruption and improve transparency.

"The group will consider issues relating to the formulation of a public procurement policy and enunciation of public procurement standards and review and abolition of discretionary powers enjoyed by ministers", she said.

Besides, it would also seek introduction of an open and competitive system of exploiting natural resources, fast tracking of cases against public servants charged with corruption and amendments to relevant laws to facilitate quicker action against public servants, she said.

The Group will also consider issues relating to the state funding of elections. The report of the GoM is expected soon, the President said.

A Bill to give protection to whistle blowers has been introduced in Parliament, she said, adding the government has also decided to ratify the United Nations Convention against

On the issue of electoral reforms, she hoped that the process of consultations would lead to a consensus on an "acceptable" agenda of reforms.

She said the government attached high priority to improving the delivery of justice and reducing delays in the disposal of cases. The details of the National Mission for
Delivery of Justice and Legal Reforms are expected to be finalised soon.

The Judicial Standards and Accountability Bill, already introduced in Parliament, is intended to enhance the accountability of the judiciary, thereby improving its image and efficiency, the President said.

On Economy

Combating inflation and sustaining growth momentum may be the top priority, but the
government today said it would strive to push economic reforms to encourage foreign and private sector investments in the economy.

"The Indian economy continues to be on a trajectory of high growth despite an adverse global environment... However, there is no room for complacency," President Pratibha Patil said in her address to Parliament that marked beginning of the Budget session.

The top priority of the government, she said, would include combating high prices especially of food items and sustaining momentum of economic growth.

To achieve this twin objective, she said "we have strived to make the domestic environment more conducive to investment, encouraging public as well as private investment, and domestic as well as foreign investment, particularly FDI.

"We have to maintain the momentum for reforms on a wide front," Patil said.

Referring to the high inflation during the past one  year, the President said "my government is deeply concerned over the adverse impact of inflation on the aam aadmi (common man) and the threat it poses to the growth momentum."

While the food inflation had touched 18.32 per cent in December, 2010 before moderating to over 11 per cent this month, the overall inflation still hovers above eight per cent as against the comfort level of 5-6 per cent.

The economic growth, however, is expected to be 8.6 per cent for the current fiscal, up from eight per cent a year ago.

On Foreign Policy

President Pratibha Patil today said the government would seek a peaceful resolution of all
issues with Pakistan through talks as long as it does not allow its soil to be used for terror activities against India.

"With Pakistan, we seek a peaceful resolution of issues through a meaningful dialogue so long as Pakistan does not allow its soil to be used for terrorist activities against
India," she said in her address to a joint sitting of Parliament.

The government's foreign policy priority remained promotion and creation of an environment that is conducive to the socio-economic transformation of India, she said.

"The pursuit of peace, shared prosperity and regional cooperation within the Indian sub-continent and in our extended neighbourhood will continue to guide my government's
efforts," Patil said.

Regarding Egypt, she said, "We have an abiding interest in peace, stability and development of countries in our extended neighbourhood. Egypt has recently seen momentous developments. As a democracy ourselves, we welcome the dawn of democracy elsewhere."

Noting that the government has broadened India's economic and political relations with the countries of Gulf, West, Central and East Asia, she said India was now a party to the
Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India Pipeline project which could "potentially transform the energy scenario in this sub-region."

Observing that many Indians were working in the Gulf and West Asia and making valuable contributions to these countries, Patil said, "We will continue to work for the welfare of our diaspora whose contributions to India we appreciate and whose links we will foster."