Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal today said 200 MPs, 70 ministers and 11 chief ministers that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has brought from outside to campaign for Delhi elections can are welcome to visit the city's historical sites.
On Tuesday, the AAP leader accused the BJP of insulting the people of the national capital by bringing in "outsiders" for campaigning in the February 8 assembly polls.
"BJP's 200 MPs, 70 ministers and 11 CMs are coming to Delhi for campaigning. Delhiites have groomed Delhi with hard work in five years. Do not insult their hard work," Mr Kejriwal tweeted in Hindi.
Using the Sanskrit shloka 'Atithidevo Bhava' (The guest is like god), Mr Kejriwal said he has organised a 'Delhi Darshan' (visit) for them.
"You can enjoy Akshardham, Lotus Temple," he added.
Delhi is going to polls on February 8. The counting of votes will take place on February 11.
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