This Article is From Mar 04, 2012

Ship-boat collision: Body of one fisherman recovered

Kochi: Naval divers recovered the bodyof one of the three fishermen who went missing after theirboat was hit by a merchant vessel of Alappuzha coast.

Two fishermen had been killed in the incident.

The body, which was found inside the sunken boat, hasbeen handed over to local fishermen, naval sources said here.

Search is going on to locate two other bodies.

Deep sea clearance divers had found the wreckage of thefishing boat 'Don-I' last night.

A 10-member navy clearance diving team from SouthernNaval Command here reached the location and found the wreckageat the bottom of the sea at 47 metres. The boat's cabin werefound damaged and fuel leakage seen at the site.

The collision in the wee hours of March 1 had shocked thefishing community of Neendakara in Kollam district as ithappened within two weeks after two fishermen were shot deadallegedly by marines onboard Italian merchant ship EnricaLexie.