Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched a frontal attack on the Congress party and its chief Rahul Gandhi, at an election rally in Rajasthan's Bhilwara on Monday. On the 10th anniversary of the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks, which killed 166 people, PM Modi claimed that the Congress party leading the coalition in power in 2008 was "giving lessons in patriotism", but questioned his government when the surgical strikes were carried out.
"When the Army carried out the surgical strike going into the enemy territory, the whole country felt proud but the Congress raised questions on it and demanded video proof," said PM Modi. "Will commandos carry cameras to provide proof," he asked.
Targeting the Congress chief, the Prime Minister asked the crowd at the rally if they have ever seen him take a holiday. "Did you ever hear that I took a holiday? Did you ever hear I went somewhere for leisure or was missing for a week? I give an account of each and every decision I take and the work that I do," the Prime Minister said.
The Congress hit back saying why does the Prime Minister worry so much about what Rahul Gandhi does. "Why doesn't the PM speak about the youth, farmers, unemployment and rising suicides," said senior Congress leader Kamal Nath.
Taking on the Congress on the 'urban Naxal' row, PM Modi said, the party calls the Naxals "revolutionaries." He questioned how the party can support people who kill our security forces and "issue them certificates."
"We have replied to terrorists, Naxals in their own language," PM Modi said as the crowd cheered.
In a final push before the polls on December 7, PM Modi is scheduled to address as many as 10 rallies in the state until December 4.
Congress president Rahul Gandhi is also in Rajasthan today. Along with state party chief Sachin Pilot, he visited the Ajmer Dargah. He will he heading to Pushkar next, to offer prayers, and hold election rallies in western parts of the state including Pokaran in Jaisalmer.
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