A day after the seven-phase polls ended in Uttar Pradesh, the covers have gone off the statues of chief minister Mayawati and her Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) symbol, the elephant, which were under the wraps for almost two months on the direction of the Election Commission (EC) for the assembly polls.
Ahead of the elections in the state, the poll panel ordered the statues of the BSP leader and the elephants be covered as they violate the model code-of-conduct.
Political parties had complained to the EC that the BSP had an unfair advantage.
In a late night decision, the poll panel asked the state government to uncover the statues on Saturday.
Nine statues of Mayawati and 156 statues of elephants in Lucknow, and two statues of the chief minister and 52 of the BSP symbol in Noida, were unveiled.
Ahead of the elections in the state, the poll panel ordered the statues of the BSP leader and the elephants be covered as they violate the model code-of-conduct.
Political parties had complained to the EC that the BSP had an unfair advantage.
In a late night decision, the poll panel asked the state government to uncover the statues on Saturday.
Nine statues of Mayawati and 156 statues of elephants in Lucknow, and two statues of the chief minister and 52 of the BSP symbol in Noida, were unveiled.
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