Opinion: Game of Thrones' "The Long Night" Felt Decidedly Conventional
I love "Game of Thrones"; more than any other work of art, George R.R. Martin's novels and the television adaptation of them have defined my career as a critic. But if you asked me whether "Game of Thrones" is a genuinely great show, after "The Long Night," I'd have to answer: not today.
Alyssa Rosenberg, The Washington Post
- Apr 29, 2019 18:09 pm IST
Opinion: The Case For Ivanka Trump As First Lady
It's a measure of just how hilariously awful Donald Trump's choices to fill his administration have been so far that when the idea began to circulate last week that his daughter Ivanka Trump might end up serving as his de facto first lady.
Alyssa Rosenberg, The Washington Post
- Dec 14, 2016 20:39 pm IST
Opinion: 47 Years Ago, Hillary Clinton's Practice Nomination Speech
Almost half a century ago, when Hillary Rodham became the first student to speak at a Wellesley College commencement, she dismissed, 1969-style, the tired cliche of politics as the art of the possible. "The challenge now," Rodham said, channeling what students graduating this spring might describe as her inner Bernie Sanders, "is to practice politics as the art of mak...
Alyssa Rosenberg, The Washington Post
- Jun 12, 2016 09:50 am IST