Blog: On Economic Nationalism, India Is Late To The Party
Ironically, India is attempting to become a global manufacturing hub precisely at the moment that the global north wants to "bring jobs back." The unravelling of hyperglobalisation will only push our manufacturing dream further away.
Anush Kapadia
- Dec 03, 2016 08:34 am IST
Opinion: Brexit Is What A Dark Age Feels Like. Here's Why.
People want a new order in which a sense of belonging and a sense of security, nationalism and economics, go together.
Anush Kapadia
- Jun 27, 2016 12:30 pm IST
Opinion: From UK, Why The World is Pitching Right
The Scottish National Party now have a duty to take their alloy of nationalism and economic justice to a broader audience, says Anush Kapadia.
Anush Kapadia
- May 15, 2015 01:31 am IST
Opinion: The 60/40 Union That PM Modi Speaks Of
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has promised a "cooperative federalism" where Delhi has 40 per cent of the national treasure and the States 60 per cent. Let's see if he means it.
Anush Kapadia
- May 11, 2015 23:00 pm IST
Opinion: If Westminster Can Give Up Powers, Why Can't Delhi?
British politics is undergoing an historic and seismic shift. The country seems to have come full circle since the War.
Anush Kapadia
- May 05, 2015 21:47 pm IST
Opinion: Everyone's Afraid of Land Acquisition
What we're overlooking: think equity, not injury, writes Anush Kapadia.
Anush Kapadia
- Feb 16, 2015 11:48 am IST
Opinion: Writing Off the Planning Commission Without a Plan
Modi's focus on economic swadeshi needs more than a think tank, writes Anush Kapadia.
Anush Kapadia
- Aug 19, 2014 17:54 pm IST
Opinion: What German Football Has Done Right
The rise of German football is popularly seen as the inevitable result of the brutally-efficient Teutonic machine doing what it does best. Not only is this racial typing harmful in all kinds of ways, it is, like most typing, simply wrong.
Anush Kapadia
- Jul 13, 2014 18:31 pm IST