Opinion: For All Students In Online Classes, Your Teachers Miss You
All the elements of human contact that make any class enjoyable - the spontaneous jokes, the metaphor that pops up organically to illuminate a concept, the effervescent energy of a sharp debate, the discussion that follows a contentious class - these are things that will be hard to replace. But we must adjust as we can.
Arjun Jayadev
- Aug 25, 2020 12:06 pm IST
Opinion: 5 Ways For India To Fund Massive Economic Stimulus Package
The sudden stop in economic activity means that there are critical demand and income shortfalls. These will multiply in the months to come, further contracting the economy.
Arjun Jayadev
- Apr 14, 2020 17:38 pm IST
Opinion: Authors of Premji University's Report On Unemployment Explain The Problems
It seems that nearly every day, our media carries stories of concern about the employment situation in India. The stories include accounts of a desire for jobs that is not being met, the vast over-subscription of government jobs, the falling labor force participation of women, the diminishing opportunities for decent employment in rural India, or massive migration to ...
Amit Basole, Arjun Jayadev
- Sep 28, 2018 12:57 pm IST