Blog: Cleaning Up After Ganesha - Dia Mirza From Juhu Beach
Our collective willingness to participate in such reform is perhaps best demonstrated by our presence at this beach to commit through action that we will not be just fence sitters or finger pointers. We will become a part of the solution
Dia Mirza
- Sep 12, 2017 15:31 pm IST
Blog: Dia Mirza On The Uttarakhand Fires And How We Fail Our Forests
As I watched the forest in flames, I had tears streaming down my face, because all I could see were those very forests I had walked through and driven by for the weeks I had spent in Uttarakhand, absorbing and understanding in depth the beauty and challenges of the region not so long ago.
Dia Mirza
- May 02, 2016 13:30 pm IST