Opinion: What Critics Of Anti-Conversion Laws Overlook
In the name of gender rights, many are critical of the decision taken by the state of Uttar Pradesh which has announced a new law to protect the freedom of religion, with special emphasis on protecting women from conversion which happens in the guise of love and marriage.
Dr. Geeta Bhatt
- Dec 19, 2020 20:36 pm IST
Opinion: Student Activism Is Healthy, What Is Happening At JNU Is Not
Student activism is very important in university culture as students get an opportunity to deliberate and discuss politics, culture and social challenges in a stimulating, free environment. However, misusing this autonomy will erode the sanctity of educational institutions.
Dr. Geeta Bhatt
- Nov 21, 2019 16:14 pm IST
Opinion: In 100 Days, Team Modi Governance And Productivity Is Exemplary
Not many could foresee that the government was determined to go ahead with long-standing aspirations of the people to integrate national sovereignty with constitutional provisions and further implement such decisions which were in national interest and required willpower and undaunted courage.
Dr. Geeta Bhatt
- Sep 09, 2019 15:22 pm IST
Opinion: Modi Win Proves An India Unapologetic Of Its Roots And Culture
Narendra Modi's electoral victory is a combination of many facets: national security, economic robustness, 'sarvodaya' through 'antodaya' (empowering the last man in the social pyramid).
Dr. Geeta Bhatt
- May 30, 2019 13:00 pm IST