Opinion | Sunak To Biden, No Incumbent Has It Easy This Year - Thanks To Economy
From South Korea and Turkey to the UK and the US, incumbent heads of state in most poll-bound countries are struggling to hold on to power and popularity.
Elizabeth Roche
- Apr 12, 2024 16:16 pm IST
Opinion | US Presidential Polls: Trump or Biden, India's Stakes Are Higher Than Ever
Under Joe Biden, ties have seen a consolidation in areas like strategic technology and defence. And while Trump has been variously described as "transactional" and "whimsical", India has successfully navigated a Trump presidency in the past.
Elizabeth Roche
- Apr 03, 2024 14:27 pm IST
Opinion: Narasimha Rao Recast Not Just India's Economy, But Foreign Policy Too
If India is able to manoeuvre through rough times today, some credit needs to go to Rao, who set India on this course economically and in terms of foreign policy, with a pair of steady hands.
Elizabeth Roche
- Feb 27, 2024 08:38 am IST