Opinion: PM Modi's Farm Reforms Should Be Welcomed - Feroze Varun Gandhi
We must welcome the deep structural reforms instituted by this strong government under the leadership of the Prime Minister.
Feroze Varun Gandhi
- Dec 03, 2020 10:19 am IST
Opinion: PM Modi Helped Lockdown Become A People's Movement
The Modi government has shown leadership in handling an unprecedented crisis, with India doing better so far than certain other countries, despite the challenges of our large population, high density and poverty. Under this leadership, India will overcome this virus and rise again.
Feroze Varun Gandhi
- Jul 21, 2020 11:52 am IST
Opinion: Modi 2.0's Bold Structural Reforms - By Feroze Varun Gandhi
The Modi government's strong and decisive leadership will position us for transformational change. Given a paradigm shift in leadership, this is a moment for India to continue to pursue structural reform, renewing its tryst with destiny.
Feroze Varun Gandhi
- May 26, 2020 07:00 am IST
Opinion: Feroze Varun Gandhi On The Untold Stories Of Farmer Distress Across India
With empathy for India's marginal farmers, we must shift focus back to the rural economy.
Feroze Varun Gandhi
- Dec 14, 2018 07:00 am IST
Opinion: Why Indians Pay More For Petrol And Diesel - By Feroze Varun Gandhi
India's long-term economic health requires a significant rethink on our current dependence on oil and gas, a shift to electric vehicles and solar-based electricity would go a long way in rebalancing our economy. We need to reconsider our increasingly car-driven economic system and pursue a whole-hearted shift towards mass public transportation. Without this, we will c...
Feroze Varun Gandhi
- Oct 24, 2018 13:31 pm IST
Opinion: Helping Army Veterans Get Jobs Should Be A Priority - By Varun Gandhi
Ideally, veterans should not be left to fend for themselves post retirement. For them, release from the military forces is loss of identity, recognition and income, all while being forced to compare their sudden decline in status with civilian peers.
Feroze Varun Gandhi
- Aug 24, 2018 21:38 pm IST
Opinion: Living In The Apocalypse, Especially In Delhi
For cleaner cities in India, the mindset of this nation's government and its people, requires a reboot.
Feroze Varun Gandhi
- Nov 13, 2017 12:50 pm IST
Opinion: How India Can Get The Most Out Of China - By Varun Gandhi
During my lecture tour of universities in China last week, India's relationship with China flared up, courtesy another border dispute, this time at Sikkim. While Chinese students were curious about India - asking me questions ranging from the Sakyamuni Buddha to Aamir Khan - the border question, surprisingly, never came up. Matters of diplomacy are rarely influenced b...
Feroze Varun Gandhi
- Jul 21, 2017 11:06 am IST
Opinion: What's Needed To Rebuild Uttar Pradesh
The Uttar Pradesh election is a cornucopia of colours, slogans and events - with citizens across various regions voting with gusto. What it seems to be missing is data-based focus on Uttar Pradesh's actual condition, one which remains chronic
Feroze Varun Gandhi
- Mar 02, 2017 18:52 pm IST
Opinion: This Year, Violence Became Acceptable
Across geopolitics, economics and local politics, the 1970s, it seems are back. Where we go from here remains the domain of economists and fortune tellers.
Feroze Varun Gandhi
- Dec 23, 2016 14:30 pm IST
Opinion: The Rise Of Racism And Bigotry
As the United States goes to the polls on November 8, the world waits with baited breath. Polls are increasingly tightening, with Hillary Clinton leading by 11 points a week ago and cratering to 3 points currently. Donald Trump is the closest he's been to the presidency till date.
Feroze Varun Gandhi
- Nov 06, 2016 15:42 pm IST