Opinion: Excess Rice For Hand Sanitizers - But Not The Starving - By Jean Dreze
This is not the time to squeeze the states - the centre should act in people's best interest and open the godowns.
Jean Dreze
- Apr 21, 2020 19:11 pm IST
Opinion: Modi Government Gives Shock Treatment To Social Policy
The Modi government is finally getting some flak, as it should, for its confused economic policies, epitomised by the demonetisation blunder last year.
Jean Dreze
- Sep 11, 2017 11:11 am IST
Opinion: A Book PM Modi Should Read Now
"The idea that black money or wealth is held in the form of notes tucked away in suitcases of pillow cases is nave. And in any case, even those who are caught napping - or waiting - will have the chance to convert the notes through paid agents...But the gesture had to be made, and produced much work and little gain."
Jean Dreze
- May 12, 2017 12:21 pm IST
Opinion: The Straight Arrow, Brilliant Economist
Kenneth Arrow was among the rarest of rare economists - exceptionally brilliant, learned, gentle and public-spirited. His departure from this world earlier this week, at the handsome age of 95, was a huge loss not only for the economics profession but for all of us.
Jean Dreze
- Feb 23, 2017 14:16 pm IST
Opinion: The Tale And Maths Of Universal Basic Income
UBI is an idea whose time will come, but that time is still quite distant as far as India is concerned.
Jean Dreze
- Feb 02, 2017 13:19 pm IST
Opinion: Universal Basic Income For India Suddenly Trendy. Look Out
A recent headline in Quartz, an otherwise serious media agency, claims that Jammu and Kashmir is the first state in India to "commit to a universal basic income" (UBI). A glance at the original source quickly negates this claim: it is based on nothing more than "seeds of a thought" (sic) from the Finance Minister of J&K about possible cash transfers for a small minori...
Jean Dreze
- Jan 16, 2017 14:20 pm IST
Opinion: Child Development: Kerala Tops, Gujarat Flops, Bihar Hops
Children have been out of focus in recent debates on public policy in India. Even when budget cuts threaten to undermine child nutrition programmes, the mainstream media barely takes notice.
Reetika Khera, Jean Dreze
- Nov 18, 2015 15:04 pm IST