Opinion: How Elon Musk Beat Russia's Space Program
Musk, with his crude salesmanship and nerdish cultural references, has a dream, described in a white paper he published last year: to colonize Mars. Musk admitted in the white paper that was his only motivation for getting rich.
- Leonid Bershidsky, Bloomberg
- Feb 08, 2018 06:57 am IST
Opinion: The Sun, Not The Rain, Tipped The U.K. Vote
Leighton Vaughan Williams, a professor at Nottingham Business School who specializes in betting research, has long held that betting markets are better predictors of election outcomes than polls. Yet ahead of the U.K. vote on whether to leave the European Union, the bookies failed as miserably as pollsters to predict the result -- actually, they did much worse. At cer...
- Leonid Bershidsky, Bloomberg
- Jun 24, 2016 22:57 pm IST
Opinion: Something Is Rotten In The State Of Apple
Apple executives have been explaining the company's first year-on-year revenue drop since 2003 as down to macroeconomic headwinds and a less impressive upgrade cycle than in 2015. Those excuses miss the point. The colossus doesn't exactly have feet of clay yet, but Apple's business model is challenged.
- Leonid Bershidsky, Bloomberg
- Apr 27, 2016 19:07 pm IST