Opinion: The Lack Of Public Outrage On Pegasus Says A Lot About India Right Now
It is not the first time that phones have been tapped in India, and it is certainly not the first time that the finger of suspicion has pointed to agencies of the union government. Nevertheless, it counts as a new and disturbing development.
Mihir Swarup Sharma
- Jul 20, 2021 14:57 pm IST
Opinion: Modi Sarkar Needs To Act Like A Government, Not A WhatsApp Group
You know how you get positive coverage? By doing positive things. Address the real problems - oxygen, beds, misinformation. Apparently it hasn't even occurred to the Modi Sarkar that the safest way to more positive stories is by doing a good job.
Mihir Swarup Sharma
- May 06, 2021 18:52 pm IST
Opinion: Modi-Shah Meet Their Match - Federalism
These assembly elections are a victory for regionalism, yes. But they are also a reminder of why those who care about a federal India need greater unity of purpose if they are to survive.
Mihir Swarup Sharma
- May 03, 2021 12:16 pm IST
Opinion: The Big Change In This, Modi’s Fourth Speech – And Why
The Prime Minister emphasised that the decision to extend the lockdown came with the assent of - indeed, one might say at the behest of - state chief ministers. This follows ample publicity of his weekend meeting with Chief Ministers, as well as leaks and statements that they had asked for the extension.
Mihir Swarup Sharma
- Apr 14, 2020 18:11 pm IST
Opinion: The Good And Ugly Of The Government's Economic Package
When Prime Minister Narendra Modi first addressed the nation on March 19, he told us that a task force would be set up to deal with the economic effects of the coronavirus pandemic. It then took the government almost a week to come up with an economic relief package. This was not a positive beginning - the delay was mystifying, given that the expected effects on the I...
Mihir Swarup Sharma
- Mar 27, 2020 15:41 pm IST
Opinion: Kejriwal Didn't Stand Up To Modi - He Side-Stepped Him
If the BJP's campaign has been one of open malice, the AAP's campaign has been no less damaging to India's soul. This is a victory of not just cowardice, but of submission to the BJP's core values.
Mihir Swarup Sharma
- Feb 11, 2020 17:39 pm IST
Opinion: A 'Thalinomics' Budget - Dangers Include Youth Without Jobs
What we got in this Budget was not just 'pakodanomics', but 'thalinomics'. It was a mess of ideas, of mixed-up priorities - raising tariffs while insisting on creating more tradeable goods for exports, for example.
Mihir Swarup Sharma
- Feb 01, 2020 17:15 pm IST
Opinion: Nirmala Sitharaman's Unenviable Job Is Being Made Harder
When a photo emerged of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, surrounded by his senior officials including Home Minister Amit Shah, meeting with economists this week, the internet had only one question: where was Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman?
Mihir Swarup Sharma
- Jan 11, 2020 18:16 pm IST
Opinion: The JNU Attack Shows What Should Alarm Us - And What Next
For some years now, a narrative has been consciously and maliciously built up by the establishment, its pliant plants in the mainstream media and its shock troops on social media and WhatsApp.
Mihir Swarup Sharma
- Jan 06, 2020 22:20 pm IST
Opinion: Jharkhand Shows BJP May Be Coming Down With The Congress' Disease
The BJP's hold on the map of India has shrunk. In 2017, after the party's spectacular victory in Uttar Pradesh and Nitish Kumar's return to the NDA, the political map of the country was swathed in saffron.
Mihir Swarup Sharma
- Dec 23, 2019 20:52 pm IST
Opinion: 4 Ways The CAA Protests Have Already Been A Success
The CAB and the NRC together have opened up the nightmarish possibility that Muslims across India will be forced to prove their citizenship, and that they will have no recourse if they fail to do so.
Mihir Swarup Sharma
- Dec 20, 2019 11:10 am IST
Opinion: In Defense Of CAB, Amit Shah Can't Say What He Really Wants
The BJP is faced with an odd dual responsibility: it must show its angry cadre that it can do in the bright light of day what they have for years have had to whisper in the darkness. They will only be satisfied when it is said, openly, that India has no place for more Muslims and that there are too many of them already, and that they should go to Pakistan. But the BJP...
Mihir Swarup Sharma
- Dec 12, 2019 11:42 am IST
Opinion: Karnataka Result Exposes Weakness Of A Ho-Hum Coalition
With every victory, whether won at the polls or through subsequent backroom dealing, the BJP's advantage grows sharper. For the opposition, whether the Congress or regional parties, the threat is existential.
Mihir Swarup Sharma
- Dec 09, 2019 19:26 pm IST
Opinion: New Chinks In BJP's Armour Exposed In Last Week
It was not the best of weeks for Narendra Modi and the Bharatiya Janata Party. Two central planks of its all-conquering image were severely eroded: the notion that the economy is in safe hands with Modi in charge, and the idea that the BJP is some sort of unconquerable political juggernaut that can never be out-maneuvered by its opponents.
Mihir Swarup Sharma
- Dec 02, 2019 11:35 am IST
Opinion: Ayodhya Verdict A Moment Of Profound Political Change
The power of politics is to make what was once bitterly contested seem inevitable when it eventually comes to pass. Today, the Ram temple seems inevitable; but that is because of completeness of the victory of temple politics.
Mihir Swarup Sharma
- Nov 09, 2019 18:58 pm IST
Opinion: Survival Tips For India's Opposition In The Modi Era
Remember: the Opposition did not win these elections. So it should not celebrate. It has a long, hard road back to relevance. But these elections show that if it thinks small, acts locally, and is responsive to those of its workers who have remained loyal, it may yet survive the Modi era.
Mihir Swarup Sharma
- Oct 25, 2019 14:51 pm IST
Opinion: "New Order" Doesn't Like Nobel Winner Abhijit Banerjee's Advice
There's a reason that economists like Sen and Banerjee were awarded the Nobel, and it's not because the Bank of Sweden wanted to anger the Indian right wing. The Economics Nobel is not a left-wing enterprise - quite the opposite. They were given prizes because of their careful study of issues related to poverty, welfare and growth. Nobody should imagine that they are ...
Mihir Swarup Sharma
- Oct 15, 2019 11:52 am IST
Opinion: The Impact Of "Howdy, Modi" On PM, Trump And NRIs
Will the obvious similarity in the two leaders' attitudes, their political orientation and their populist personas cause any of these non-resident Modi fans to stop for a moment and consider the contradictions of their own opinions? One wonders.
Mihir Swarup Sharma
- Sep 23, 2019 17:49 pm IST
Opinion: What To Expect Of The Huge Corporate Tax Cut
The government's Diwali gift to India Inc is one of the most expensive ever - and a clear admission that the Modi Sarkar has finally accepted that the economy needs drastic measures. The only question is whether the rest of us can afford it.
Mihir Swarup Sharma
- Sep 21, 2019 20:31 pm IST
Opinion: With RBI Move, Team Modi Furthers Bad Economics Credentials
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has made no secret of his desire to do things differently from every one of his predecessors, and at least when it comes to bad economics, he seems determined to fulfil that aim.
Mihir Swarup Sharma
- Aug 28, 2019 08:07 am IST