Blog | Women-Led Businesses To Social Events, The Surprise That Is New Saudi
The Saudi Arabia with strict gender segregation, tough Islamic laws, and dress codes, no longer exists. The country's women are now truly in the drivers seat.
Mohd Asim
- Oct 27, 2024 10:38 am IST
Blog: At Qatar, This Winner Was Not Even Playing
The football carnival has ended in Qatar. Messi's Argentina is the FIFA 2022 champion, but the real winner at the biggest sporting show on earth is a country that wasn't even playing. Palestine.
Mohd Asim
- Dec 20, 2022 15:56 pm IST
Blog: AAP, The Millennial That Only Knows Vote-Bank Politics
How far this paperback version of Hindutva takes AAP against the BJP's hardcore Hindutva is to be seen. But it is quite clear that Kejriwal has taken the majoritarian route to votes.
Mohd Asim
- Oct 27, 2022 12:51 pm IST
Blog: We, The Pained People Of India
If pain is personal and individual, which is so often the case, it can drag us down a solitary hole. But when it becomes shared and collective, pain can lift us out, extracting us from solitude into the company of those who are suffering as well.
Mohd Asim
- May 17, 2021 12:34 pm IST
Blog: The Lynch Mob Now Goes for Naseeruddin Shah - Predictably
The kind of hate that is being directed at Naseeruddin Shah over his voicing genuine concerns is sickening. The same happened with Aamir Khan and Shah Rukh Khan when they spoke up against intolerance.
Mohd Asim
- Dec 21, 2018 12:31 pm IST
Blog: What 'Mulk' Means To Me As An Indian Muslim
'Mulk' takes up the issue of terror - the proverbial albatross tied to Muslims' neck with this convenient narrative: "all Muslims are not terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims".
Mohd Asim
- Aug 15, 2018 11:59 am IST
Blog: Painting Muslims As "Jinnah-Lovers" In Election Season
A portrait of Pakistan founder Mohammad Ali Jinnah at the Students Union Hall of the AMU is at the centre of a raging nationwide debate. The portrait of Jinnah at the centre of the row has been there for 80 years. It was installed after Jinnah was accorded the lifetime membership of the AMU Students Union in 1938.
Mohd Asim
- May 04, 2018 12:22 pm IST
Blog: Modi Government's Triple Talaq Law Is Deeply Flawed
"White men saving brown women from brown men" wrote feminist scholar Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak in her seminal work "Can The Subaltern Speak?" What Spivak wrote in context of the larger colonial narrative, can be tweaked to reflect what's going on with the issue of Triple Talaq in India. It's a case of "Hindu men are saving Muslim women from Muslim men."
Mohd Asim
- Dec 15, 2017 20:23 pm IST
Blog: When Modi Asked BJP Leaders To Stay Silent, He Left This Out
Prime Minister Narendra Modi last week advised BJP motormouths "to practice the art of silence." It was fair and much-needed advice from his high office as many in his party are prone to putting their (right) foot into mouth very often. But the PM only sent out half a message.
Mohd Asim
- Apr 21, 2017 16:12 pm IST
Blog: An Open Letter To Women From A Man
Men have a lot of excuses and explanations for what they do to you. Every stare at a public place, every slimy touch in a public transport, every snide remark that men make. Get one thing right, men have a reason for it. And when we can't come up with a good enough reason, and mind you that's very rare, we just pass it off as a joke. Yes, you heard it right. Violating...
Mohd Asim
- Jan 05, 2017 13:08 pm IST