Opinion: The Age Of The 'Super-Bureaucrat' In New India
This is the face of federalism in the country now: Regent bureaucrat-rulers in state capitals who execute the Centre's agenda.
Nalini Singh
- Oct 29, 2021 08:05 am IST
Opinion: The Cost Of BJP's All-Or-Nothing Bengal Campaign
Of course the party has lavished its own corpus of 'donations' on the polls, but in the still of the night, when ambulance sirens wail, does the BJP brass wonder if its Bengal mission was worth it?
Nalini Singh
- May 10, 2021 11:34 am IST
Opinion: Democracy At Bayonet Point
Is it too late to start reclaiming our electoral space by rejecting the CAPF or its proxies? Is a community-managed pushback still possible, booth by booth?
Nalini Singh
- Apr 19, 2021 11:40 am IST
Opinion: Why Meghan's Interview Doesn't Move India - Nalini Singh
Why has the Harry-Meghan 2-hour interview to Oprah Winfrey not evoked gut-wrenching sympathy in India for this biracial royal couple? Why haven't the descriptions of racism and Meghan's suicidal thoughts stirred white-hot loyalty for the Prince and his Duchess here in India?
Nalini Singh
- Mar 10, 2021 23:25 pm IST
Opinion: Open Letter To AIIMS' Dr. Gupta On SSR Case - Nalini Singh
I petition you to pronounce a binary forensic verdict - suicide or murder - and not suicide-wrapped-in-murder or murder-wrapped-in-suicide, triggering another meandering six-year capricious and shameless chase.
Nalini Singh
- Sep 14, 2020 07:00 am IST