Opinion: Why I Leaked The HSBC Data
Herve Falciani, whistle-blower, on his plans to assist India.
By Herve Falciani, as told to NDTV's Noopur Tiwari
- Feb 10, 2015 14:37 pm IST
Blog: In Paris, A Collective Trauma
The whole world is watching. They would. Terror has struck at the heart of Europe for the first time. Two thousands have been killed by Boko Haram in Nigeria too. But attention is riveted to Paris for now. When the privileged West is attacked, somehow it's got to be more serious, right? Should it be though? Perhaps it's not the best time to ask. But then it never is.
Noopur Tiwari
- Jan 11, 2015 16:39 pm IST
Blog: In France, Muslims Fear Backlash
In the street leading to the Charlie Hebdo headquarters in Paris, people trickle in steadily to pay tributes. The mound of flowers grows against the barricade put up by the police to block the scene of crime on Wednesday, 12 people were shot dead in an attack on the office of the satirical magazine by three armed men wearing black masks and hoodies.
Noopur Tiwari
- Jan 09, 2015 12:56 pm IST
Blog: After the Deadliest Terror Attack Ever, France Says 'Not Afraid'
In a new year cartoon earlier this month, Charb, the cartoonist and director of the journal, who was killed in this attack, had drawn an armed terrorist, with the title asking "No terror attack in France yet?".
Noopur Tiwari
- Jan 08, 2015 06:48 am IST