Opinion: Manmohan Singh's Dinner With Pakistanis Is Unforgivable
What necessitated Manmohan Singh's presence at this dinner earlier this month is not just puzzling but bizarre and disgraceful.
Prof Rakesh Sinha
- Dec 12, 2017 12:14 pm IST
Opinion: Mani Shankar A Product Of Competitive Sycophancy Within Congress
The challenge is to find a collective will to liberate politics from undesirable invective and to express differences without contempt.
Prof Rakesh Sinha
- Dec 09, 2017 09:36 am IST
Opinion: Rahul Gandhi's Election-Friendly Hinduism Fools No One
The Congress claim of Hinduism and Rahul's Hindu identity are both a classic example of post-truth, a phrase used by Western Scholars to depict an emotional chorus used to make the unreal real.
Prof Rakesh Sinha
- Dec 02, 2017 07:00 am IST
Opinion: RSS Stand On Uniform Civil Code - Don't Believe The Haters
The Supreme Court's verdict on triple talaq naturally entails further discussion on the necessity of a Uniform Civil Code (UCC) for the country. This is not far-fetched since, in a liberal, democratic and secular society, gender justice based on a sense of equality can only be ensured by a common civil code.
Prof Rakesh Sinha
- Aug 23, 2017 18:30 pm IST
Opinion: Left Liberals Must Shed Their Toxic Anti-RSS-ism
In the Indian case, progressiveness and left liberal mean toxic tendencies of anti-RSS-ism and the present generation of such intellectuals owe this to their predecessors, though there is one fundamental difference between then and now.
Prof Rakesh Sinha
- Jul 03, 2017 18:40 pm IST