Blog: An Indian Moon
I love the moon-talk in our land. Take, for instance, this very month - packed into one lunar cycle are three moon-rich concepts that allow us to revel in being Indian. I say Indian, not South Asian, for while we share a common civilization, our neighbouring countries have defined themselves in such a way that they have lost this easy ability to access different cultu...
Radhika Bordia
- Jul 09, 2017 07:00 am IST
Blog: Cow Vigilantes In The Capital? What I Saw On Saturday Night
Driving back home around 11:30 on Saturday night on Outer Ring Road, near the Kalkaji Temple in South Delhi, I saw that traffic on the other side of the road had come to a standstill, blocked by a truck. A few men had clambered on to the truck, flashing a light inside.
Radhika Bordia
- Apr 23, 2017 20:24 pm IST
Blog: What EVM Tampering Debate Is Totally Overlooking
The controversy on EVM (Electronic Voting Machine) tampering has actually taken the focus away from an older, more urgent issue of voter privacy and the flaws in the present system of counting votes - an issue that's got little public debate, but is being heard by the Supreme Court.
Radhika Bordia
- Apr 10, 2017 19:07 pm IST
Blog: When It Rains, Especially, Kishori Amonkar Will Be Missed
When I told Kishori Tai of the many moods her music evoked, she dismissed my romantic waffling with a sharp "But you just said you don't know classical music or how to recognize ragas, what moods are you talking about?" An even more biting question followed: "How will you interview me if you don't know classical music well?"
Radhika Bordia
- Apr 05, 2017 18:09 pm IST
Blog: Development? It's Yadav-Yadav, All About Caste
For most, the permutations of caste equations may seem incoherent but in Bihar, there's almost a mathematical precision with which they are calculated.
Radhika Bordia
- Sep 16, 2015 20:50 pm IST