Ruchir Sharma's 10 Big Trends For 2022 Economy

Ruchir Sharma's 10 Big Trends For 2022 Economy

Ruchir Sharma | Sunday January 09, 2022

For the second year, the pandemic reshaped the world - not changing everything, but accelerating many things, from population decline to rising debt & digital revolution. Here is how these trends could define the fortunes of the world, and of India.

Opinion: Cheaper Houses, Bitcoin And More - 10 Big Trends Of 2021 - by Ruchir Sharma

Opinion: Cheaper Houses, Bitcoin And More - 10 Big Trends Of 2021 - by Ruchir Sharma

Ruchir Sharma | Monday January 11, 2021

As these trends develop, they are likely to reshape the world as we knew it before and during the pandemic. But to start with, 2021 is, in more ways than one, likely to look like a mirror image of 2020.

Opinion: How To Invest: Ten Big Trends Of The 2020s - By Ruchir Sharma

Opinion: How To Invest: Ten Big Trends Of The 2020s - By Ruchir Sharma

Ruchir Sharma | Wednesday January 15, 2020

In every decade since World War II, a new country or region has dominated the global economy and markets. The 1950s saw the spectacular recovery in Europe following World War II. The 1960s saw the rise of an early generation of American corporate giants.

Ruchir Sharma On The Key To Winning Elections In India

Ruchir Sharma On The Key To Winning Elections In India

Ruchir Sharma | Tuesday February 05, 2019

Exclusive excerpt from 'Democracy On The Road' by Ruchir Sharma

Opinion: Ruchir Sharma's Forecast Of The Top 10 Economic Trends For 2019

Opinion: Ruchir Sharma's Forecast Of The Top 10 Economic Trends For 2019

Ruchir Sharma | Friday January 11, 2019

Each January, I look forward to the top ten trends of the coming year, an exercise that takes on even greater significance as we near the end of a decade. The mega trends of one decade usually falter in the next. The 2010s have been a great one for the American economy and markets, but the top trends of 2019 reflect the passing of that era.

Opinion: Ruchir Sharma On India's 3 Big Economic Concerns For 2018

Opinion: Ruchir Sharma On India's 3 Big Economic Concerns For 2018

Ruchir Sharma | Sunday January 07, 2018

As in life, when it comes to forecasting, there are no certainties, only probabilities. So with that lesson in mind, here are ten of the most important trends that I think have a high probability of playing out in 2018.

Opinion: Ruchir Sharma On 10 Big 2017 Trends Including The Death Of Outsourcing

Opinion: Ruchir Sharma On 10 Big 2017 Trends Including The Death Of Outsourcing

Ruchir Sharma | Wednesday January 11, 2017

By many accounts, the election of a former reality TV star as leader of the free world has made its future more unreal, and more difficult to forecast. But Donald Trump is just a striking reminder of a basic forecasting rule: expect the unexpected. Here are 10 trends to watch in 2017, with an eye to the unexpected.

Opinion: One Thing That Could Save The Global Economy: Robots

Opinion: One Thing That Could Save The Global Economy: Robots

Ruchir Sharma, The Washington Post | Monday December 05, 2016

Across the world, the labor pool isn't growing fast enough to support our needs.

Opinion: Bad Billionaires, Crony Capitalism During UPA Now Declines

Opinion: Bad Billionaires, Crony Capitalism During UPA Now Declines

Ruchir Sharma | Friday July 01, 2016

Bad billionaires often arise through family empires, particularly in the emerging world where weaker institutions make it easier for old families to cultivate corrupt political ties.

Opinion: Silent Tigers: India Leads The Quiet Rise Of South Asia

Opinion: Silent Tigers: India Leads The Quiet Rise Of South Asia

Ruchir Sharma | Thursday June 23, 2016

There is no one model for survival in this era. Every country is struggling to find its economic niche. There is also no next king of the jungle with the potential to be as big as China, but there are many smaller candidates, with a particularly strong concentration in South Asia. The only way to spot them is by listening patiently for the telltale signs of major turn...

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