Opinion: Rahul Gandhi's 'Hindutvavadi' Remark Is Worth The Risk
Rahul Gandhi perhaps wanted to underscore the essential debate and confrontation within Hindu society and did not necessarily want to draw other faiths into that dichotomy
Salman Khurshid
- Dec 20, 2021 17:25 pm IST
Opinion: In Response To Ram Guha's View Of Rahul Gandhi - by Salman Khurshid
I imagine that Guha could have marshalled many arguments to reject Rahul Gandhi and dismiss those of us who have the courage of our conviction in publicly standing by him.
Salman Khurshid
- Jun 14, 2021 13:52 pm IST
Opinion: Dear G-23: An Open Letter By Salman Khurshid
There are two ways of spending these dark moments: to count our blessings and the moments of joy and comfort our party has given us, or to whine about what we did not receive.
Salman Khurshid
- Mar 03, 2021 19:23 pm IST
Opinion: Dear Congress Letter-Writers, "We Are Family" - by Salman Khurshid
The recent developments in the Congress party, are, by all indications, more than a storm in a tea cup. This is so because despite the thousands of tea cups consumed by the authors of the leaked letter over the years at the exclusive club of the AICC, they have chosen to complain about the quality of tea served. But they have left us all wondering if there are tea lea...
Salman Khurshid
- Aug 31, 2020 07:00 am IST
Opinion: What Young Turks Need To Learn From Us Old Guard - by Salman Khurshid
The loss of promising young leaders, irrespective of the reason, is indeed unfortunate and sad. But the young, who feel we older generation are not giving way, must not forget that there are even younger ones waiting on the sides.
Salman Khurshid
- Jul 15, 2020 13:34 pm IST
Opinion: Does This Government Expect Herd Immunity To Poverty As Well?
When the migrant labour returns home, how will they access PDS, not having local cards? How will their children continue their studies? How will local authorities know that they have returned to their homes and should be given the monetary relief meant for labour?
Salman Khurshid
- May 12, 2020 15:29 pm IST
Opinion: The Nationwide Need For Shaheen Bagh - By Salman Khurshid
Disobedience in a democracy has suddenly become central to our public discourse because of the protests inspired by Shaheen Bagh. Clearly the government has no idea about the concept but there is some reason to believe that people opposed to the government's position might also be mistaken about its dimensions.
Salman Khurshid
- Feb 14, 2020 00:05 am IST
Opinion: In Defense of My Speech in Pakistan
My theme of the lecture was carefully chosen: ''Separated at birth or separated by birth: the story of South Asian Twins''. The main thrust was to question Pakistan's unwarranted claim regarding Kashmir.
Salman Khurshid
- Nov 19, 2015 01:43 am IST