Opinion: Why BJP's Opposition To Article 35A Has Merit
Article 35A should be approached dispassionately so that the Supreme Court can take a legal view of the entire issue rather than creating any impediment as is being done by a few who will be denuded of all their powers to dictate anything and everything that happens in Jammu and Kashmir.
Sandeep Mahapatra
- Aug 17, 2017 13:34 pm IST
Opinion: Hindus In Bengal Worry About Kashmir - Like Impact On Them
"What Bengal thinks/does today, India thinks/does 20 years hence" was the common refrain one used to hear not long ago, but the happenings in the recent years in the state have brought about an altogether different perception which can safely be paraphrased to say that "What Kashmir did to Hindus 20 years ago, West Bengal is doing now."
Sandeep Mahapatra
- Jul 08, 2017 13:52 pm IST