Opinion: What Mindy Kaling's Doing For Desis In The US
Indian women no longer have to be the mistress of spices, beauty queens, hapless victims of brown men, or gorgeous terrorism suspects in order to get some serious airtime in America.
Sharmila Sen
- May 16, 2016 18:02 pm IST
Opinion: From Bengaluru To Abroad, Indians' Anti-Black Racism
The Indian Census has not included "race" as a category since the early in 1950s. Race might be a "biological fiction" according to geneticists, but the world over, it is a social reality. Racism is a topic Indians have been discussing fervently following the reprehensible attack on a Tanzanian woman by a mob that beat and publicly stripped her in Bengaluru early last...
Sharmila Sen
- Mar 14, 2016 23:45 pm IST
Opinion: At 12, I Was Moved From India To The US. How I Coped.
We have truly arrived only when we are willing to consider departure.
Sharmila Sen
- Feb 04, 2016 19:26 pm IST