Blog: Open Letter To Police Chief Bassi From An Assaulted Reporter
While you may fail to ensure the safety of ordinary people in Delhi, I've told my mother I'm not taking that flight back home just yet.
Sonal Mehrotra
- Feb 18, 2016 11:02 am IST
Blog: Will Break Your Phone And Bones, I Was Warned
Reporting in a war zone is supposed to be dangerous, but who would have thought reporting from a court of law would be intimidating and threatening?
Sonal Mehrotra
- Feb 15, 2016 23:00 pm IST
Blog: In Mathura, Stony Silence at a Lab That Tests for Beef
An assistant doctor rushed in visibly disturbed at having spotted our OB van parked outside. All attempts to get her to comment on the Dadri meat sample and on the forensic report came to naught.
Sonal Mehrotra
- Oct 07, 2015 10:28 am IST
Blog: #NDTVGirlAsks. Two Young Women Abused.
'What happened this week has left me shocked and seething', writes Sonal Mehrotra.
Sonal Mehrotra
- Mar 18, 2015 19:54 pm IST
Blog: Pose for the Camera, Netaji Said to Teen Rape Survivor's Mother
I don't want money, she sobbed.
Sonal Mehrotra
- Jan 06, 2015 11:17 am IST