He Struck A Deal With Cancer - by Suparna Singh
I was in Delhi. He was in Switzerland. He had gone there to die. The date was decided. August 16.
Suparna Singh
- Dec 12, 2022 07:51 am IST
Blog: She Fought For Life With A Might That Left Us Breathless
In 2014, I took a chance on making friends with an unknown quantity. It meant turning my back on my usual reserve. Nothing much to it, as it turned out - her smile, you see, could colonise an entire island of reserve in a second.
Suparna Singh
- Nov 18, 2020 17:38 pm IST
Opinion: The SMS Came When I Was in Hospital
Somehow, we have written ourselves into the age of the one-liner, where it's terribly important to be terribly funny.
Suparna Singh
- Oct 07, 2015 14:58 pm IST
Blog (Fiction): When Planes Disappear
She thought of how planes these days seemed to disappear as if the sky were an etch-a-sketch that had been pulled clear in seconds with nobody to answer to, as if there were not hundreds of people coursing through it just seconds ago, each within reach of a window.
Suparna Singh
- Mar 09, 2015 11:19 am IST
Blog: A Hole In the Heart of My Family
The MRI showed the march of cancer through his body.
Suparna Singh
- Dec 29, 2014 23:57 pm IST
Bunker by Suparna Singh
Inside a bunker in Israel.
Suparna Singh
- Jul 28, 2014 14:28 pm IST