Blog: Dog Lover Or Not, Here's What You Should Know
I absolutely love dogs, but I absolutely believe that with great love comes great responsibility.
Swati Thiyagarajan
- Oct 19, 2022 15:03 pm IST
Blog: As 8 Cheetahs Arrive In India, Here's What To Expect
Experts on both sides are involved in this reintroduction and the animals will be very closely monitored and every opportunity will be made possible for the success of the programme, but ultimately it comes down to the animals themselves.
Swati Thiyagarajan
- Sep 16, 2022 15:34 pm IST
Blog: Leon Was A Miracle. Today, We Put Him To Sleep
I had such a good life with him in it, he gave me so much love and I had the best time as a human because he shared himself with me.
Swati Thiyagarajan
- Dec 20, 2021 20:47 pm IST
Blog: Our Film 'My Octopus Teacher' Just Won A BAFTA
When the announcement came that we had won, it was an impossible moment of sheer excitement and disbelief and elation.
Swati Thiyagarajan
- Apr 13, 2021 12:44 pm IST
Blog: Avni The Tigress Was Shot Dead. Supreme Court Says Rules Were Followed
A contempt petition filed in the Supreme Court by animal rights activist Sunita Dongre was withdrawn by her after the court declared it invalid today and stated that the killing of tigress Avni was carried out as per court orders as she was a maneater.
Swati Thiyagarajan
- Feb 26, 2021 16:15 pm IST
Blog: When A Pregnant Elephant Dies After Days In Agony
A pregnant elephant dies after eating a pineapple loaded with firecrackers. It's an agonizing death. She stands for days in water with her head submerged, trying to cool her hurt mouth; ultimately, she drowns.
Swati Thiyagarajan
- Jun 05, 2020 16:02 pm IST
Blog: India's Great News For The World - More Tigers
The tiger as an umbrella species stands as the symbol of protection of our ecological future.
Swati Thiyagarajan
- Jul 29, 2019 17:55 pm IST
Blog: The Cruel, Unnecessary Death Of A Beautiful Whale Looks Like This
If you are caught harassing a whale, you can be fined up to 18 lakh rupees. However, it seems if you kill them with a fishery, it costs you nothing.
Swati Thiyagarajan
- Jun 13, 2019 11:27 am IST
Blog: Viral Video Of Indian Elephants' "Funeral Procession" For Calf
Perhaps what this recent video can teach us is to stop only seeing ourselves and our issues as the centre of the world and understand that everyone of us shares a space with every other non human animal on this the living planet.
Swati Thiyagarajan
- Jun 11, 2019 11:27 am IST
Blog: Our Inhumane Practices For Elephants Cause Deaths Like This
If longer term solutions that fit with elephant ecology and local people needs are not worked out, this conflict is only going to get worse.
Swati Thiyagarajan
- Dec 17, 2018 14:28 pm IST
Blog: All You Should Know About That Big Climate Meet, COP 24
We are living on the borrowed future of coming generations and the poorest of our poor. Perhaps COP 24 could be the first step forward in changing this.
Swati Thiyagarajan
- Dec 04, 2018 15:04 pm IST
Blog: The Killing Of An American Missionary By Andaman Tribe
It is essential to recognise not just the right but the need to leave indigenous people alone, to not literally invade their space. Let us stick to boundaries and respect them.
Swati Thiyagarajan
- Nov 24, 2018 21:52 pm IST
Blog: With New Tiger Death, Odisha Proves It Has Learnt Nothing
Three days ago, the Odisha Forest department announced that the three-year-old tiger brought all the way to the Satkosia Tiger Reserve from the Kanha national park in Madhya Pradesh, a distance of 600 kms, had died three months after completing the journey. The tiger designated as T1 was publicly known as Mahaveer.
Swati Thiyagarajan
- Nov 17, 2018 21:13 pm IST
Blog: Tigress Avni Shot Dead, Many Unanswered Questions
The death of a tigress in her prime is always a tragedy, no matter the circumstances that surround it. T1, popularly known as Avni, was shot dead at 11.35 pm on Friday night. In the bigger picture, as I wrote earlier ((hyperlink to earlier piece)), T1 shot or captured alive was dead to conservation goals the day she was marked for removal from the wild.
Swati Thiyagarajan
- Nov 03, 2018 21:29 pm IST
Blog: The Shocking, Tragic Deaths Of 13 Gir Lions
Lion fights are messy and injuries to their bodies would be immediately obvious. So it begs the question of why there are no definitive answers for the deaths when infighting is the main explanation given by the forest department. The department has admitted to the presence of an infection in the liver and lungs of some of the lions in their press release but have bla...
Swati Thiyagarajan
- Sep 28, 2018 16:28 pm IST
Blog: What The Thai Boys' Rescue Says About All Of Us
And what we have found, if we can just hold onto it, is that part of us that works with community, the part that puts someone else ahead of ourselves, the part that gives while asking nothing in return. It can change the world in the doing.
Swati Thiyagarajan
- Jul 12, 2018 14:26 pm IST
Blog: Why Delhi Will Have No Water At All In 2020
This is not the moment to not know what we have lost till it's gone. This is the moment to do something.
Swati Thiyagarajan
- Jun 25, 2018 14:56 pm IST
Blog: When A Whale Dies From Eating Plastic Bags
When we go on our wonderful, relaxing beach holidays,enjoying the sheer wonder of being near the ocean, do we imagine the reality of everything that is happening below her surface?
Swati Thiyagarajan
- Jun 08, 2018 13:56 pm IST
Blog: Salman Khan's Conviction Is A Victory To Be Proud Of
For a lot of us who have been involved in some capacity in the wildlife and conservation scenario in India, Salman Khan's conviction came as a victory. Why? Because poaching is a heinous crime and whoever commits the offence should be tried and charged under the full extent of the law. Over the years, a lack of concern over poaching, low rates of conviction and cases ...
Swati Thiyagarajan
- Apr 06, 2018 12:49 pm IST
Blog: Cape Town's Water Runs Out On April 16. How We're Coping Now
If Capetonians can grit their teeth and follow the water restriction plans, perhaps Ground Zero will be held off, but it is time for us to realize that we are dealing with the most precious resource and that some amount of restrictions are going to be the new normal. We can never go back to being careless people who leave our taps running.
Swati Thiyagarajan
- Feb 02, 2018 11:12 am IST