Opinion: If Supreme Court Doesn't Protect Rights Of Citizens, God Help Us
If the Supreme Court of India also remains supremely indifferent to the goings-on and the citizen is deprived of his last recourse, then God alone can save us. Can a free-for-all be far behind?
Yashwant Sinha
- Jun 14, 2022 12:50 pm IST
Opinion: Not Amrit Kaal, This Could Be India's "Vish Kaal"
Why am I starting this piece by quoting the annual growth figures? Because these are nine-year figures that include one year of UPA rule and eight years of Modi rule, for comparison purposes.
Yashwant Sinha
- May 24, 2022 15:10 pm IST
Opinion: Thank God, Taj Mahal Bachaa
Coronavirus had barely subsided in our country when it was hit by another deadly virus - the communal virus. Coronavirus affected the human body; the communal virus has affected the body politic.
Yashwant Sinha
- May 14, 2022 10:59 am IST
Haridwar's Hate Speeches Fit BJP Strategy Perfectly - by Yashwant Sinha
What has provoked me to write this article? The immediate provocation is the speeches made in the 'Dharma Sansad'held at Haridwar between December 17 and 19 by the worthies who assembled there to save the Hindu religion.
Yashwant Sinha
- Dec 24, 2021 14:09 pm IST
Opinion: The Pathetic Pettiness Of Not Mentioning Indira Gandhi
An entirely unnecessary controversy seems to have arisen in India regarding the Bangladesh war of 1971. The Prime Minister did not even mention Indira Gandhi while congratulating people of India and Bangladesh on their victory over Pakistan in 1971.
Yashwant Sinha
- Dec 17, 2021 21:43 pm IST
Modi Crosses 'Lakshman Rekha' At Airport Event - by Yashwant Sinha
Why did it take this government almost eight years to remember the airport at Jewar? Quite clearly, the occasion was reserved for a date and time when it would have maximum impact on the elections
Yashwant Sinha
- Nov 27, 2021 12:28 pm IST
Opinion: Indira Gandhi Learnt The Hard Way. Modi, Too
The people have tamed autocrats in the past, they have been tamed once more and will continue to be tamed in future.
Yashwant Sinha
- Nov 20, 2021 09:17 am IST
Opinion: Lakhimpur Kheri Proves BJP's Approach To Dissent - Crush It
The BJP is securely ensconced in power and behaves pretty much as it likes. There is no issue, no suffering, no pain, which the people are not willing to undergo, drunk as they are with the heady wine of rabid communalism.
Yashwant Sinha
- Oct 05, 2021 13:25 pm IST
What I Learnt As Foreign Minister About Afghanistan, Taliban - Yashwant Sinha
What are the implications of the Taliban take-over of Afghanistan for the world, the region and India?
Yashwant Sinha
- Aug 17, 2021 20:06 pm IST
Opinion: 56-Inch Chest And 'Strong Leadership' Stands Exposed - by Yashwant Sinha
The need of the hour is truth and honesty. We cannot expect that from the government of India which is wedded to untruth. But all of us must do our bit to save the country and its people.
Yashwant Sinha
- May 17, 2021 16:25 pm IST
Opinion: Opinion: Why Modi-Shah Hyped Bengal So Much - by Yashwant Sinha
The West Bengal elections would also have been a normal event like the other state elections which were held at the same time, had it not been for the hype created by none other than the Prime Minister and Home Minister of India.
Yashwant Sinha
- May 05, 2021 09:55 am IST
Opinion: This Covid Disaster Could Have Been Prevented - by Yashwant Sinha
The country is facing a health emergency the like of which we have never seen before. The government of India is helpless, unable to put together the strategy needed to deal with the uncontrolled spread of the pandemic.
Yashwant Sinha
- Apr 23, 2021 11:04 am IST
Opinion: If Mamata's Banned, What About These Acts By PM And Shah?
This is an unprecedented step, even in the chequered history of the Commission. She has been punished for words and sentences uttered by her. I am not going into the details here. But the words she spoke are far less objectionable than the utterances
Yashwant Sinha
- Apr 13, 2021 14:11 pm IST
Opinion: When Modi-Shah Took Over BJP, I Had Premonition - by Yashwant Sinha
I joined the Trinamool Congress on March 13 at its office in Kolkata. It happened rather suddenly and therefore surprised many people, including my close friends.
Yashwant Sinha
- Mar 23, 2021 12:10 pm IST
Opinion: My Response To PM's Comments On Babus And IAS - by Yashwant Sinha
There was a time when the integrity of an IAS officer was taken for granted. Alas! It is not so any more. Is motivation for being honest missing these days? This is a question which begs an answer. The punishment for deviation from the norm here should be swift and exemplary. That alone will ensure that the members of the service remain steadfast on the path of honest...
Yashwant Sinha
- Mar 10, 2021 09:36 am IST
Opinion: Proud To Fail The Standards Of New Patriotism - by Yashwant Sinha
If raising national security issues for electoral gains is patriotic, how is it unpatriotic to raise doubts about the failures of the government on the national security front?
Yashwant Sinha
- Mar 01, 2021 09:58 am IST
Opinion: BJP Breaks Age-Limit-75 Rules For Metroman - by Yashwant Sinha
The 75-year rule was not made by the BJP through any institutional process. It was the result of one man's fiat. And at that time, it was the easiest way to retire a lot of senior people who might have been thorns in the flesh of the new rulers, or at least been inconvenient to them. The rule can be easily dispensed with, now that its purpose has been served. After al...
Yashwant Sinha
- Feb 22, 2021 07:00 am IST
Opinion: Modi's Slogans - Catchy But Pointless
India has four mints spread over the country in Mumbai, Kolkata, Hyderabad and Noida. These facilities mint coins for the use of the public at large.
Yashwant Sinha
- Feb 15, 2021 14:32 pm IST
Opinion: "Rollback Sinha", They Mocked Me; It Was Worth It - by Yashwant Sinha
As far as I am concerned I am happy being "Roll Back Sinha" rather than "Obstinate Yashwant".
Yashwant Sinha
- Feb 09, 2021 14:20 pm IST
Opinion: Modi Is Recycling Champion Of India - by Yashwant Sinha
India has some of the smartest economists in India and abroad, two of them are Nobel laureates. Is the government consulting them or even listening to them? They have offered free advice in the past and also on the present crisis facing the Indian economy. So far, such advice has fallen on deaf ears.
Yashwant Sinha
- Jun 01, 2020 14:00 pm IST