Hero MotoCorp has launched the updated iteration of the Hero Destini 125 in the Indian market. The scooter is the representative of the brand in the 125 cc segment and will be sold at a starting price of Rs 80,450 (ex-showroom). Available in three variants, the two-wheeler comes with multiple updates seen in the form of revisions in design, and an extended feature list. The most expensive of these variants is priced at Rs 90,300 (ex-showroom). All of this is offered with an improved mileage of 59 kmpl. Here are all the details of the new scooter.
The brand has refreshed the appeal of the Hero Destini 125 with a new curvy design. It gets an LED headlight with integrated turn indicators embedded with highlights in the apron. The tail section gets a sleek look adding to the unique appeal of the two-wheeler. The design is complemented by three paint scheme options- Eternal White, Regal Black, and Groovy Red. The ZX variant gets two colour options- Cosmic Blue and Mystique Magenta. Meanwhile, the ZX+ variant comes with Eternal White and Regal Black.
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At heart, the new Hero Destini 125 comes with a 125 cc single-cylinder engine which produces 9 bhp of power and 10.4 Nm of peak torque. This unit works in conjunction with a CVT. Along with this, it comes loaded with features like a fully digital screen for the higher ZX and ZX+ variants. While the VX trim comes with an analog screen. The brand also offers smartphone connectivity which enables turn-by-turn navigation, auto-cancel indicators, boot lamps, and more. As a distinguishing feature, the ZX+ variant gets Copper Chrome accents and a cushioned backrest.
The brand has also worked to reduce the NVH levels on the scooter. Furthermore, there are mechanical changes in the form of a 190 mm front disc brake for the ZX variants. This is the first time the scooter has been equipped with disc brakes. The brakes are mounted on 12-inch wheels. Additionally, the under seat storage now gets 19 litres.