Suzuki Motorcycle India has updated the Gixxer and the Gixxer SF with OBD-2B for 2025, along with offering new colour schemes. The Gixxer 150 is priced at Rs. 1.38 lakh while the Gixxer SF is priced at Rs. 1.47 lakh. All prices are ex-showroom. The Gixxer and Gixxer SF now get three new colour options - Metallic Triton Blue/Pearl Glacier White, Glass Sparkle Black, and Metallic Oort Gray/ Metallic Lush Green. Apart from OBD-2B tech and new colours, there are no changes to the specifications and list of features.
Also Read: Suzuki 250 cc Motorcycles Updated With OBD-2B For 2025
Kenichi Umeda, Managing Director, Suzuki Motorcycle India said, "With the launch of OBD-2B compliant motorcycles, we are aligning with the upcoming government regulations while delivering the performance in our products. This updated range of motorcycles not only offers advanced technology but also provide new color options for our customers to choose from."
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Both motorcycles continue to be powered by 149 cc BS6 engine, which delivers 13.6 hp at 8,000 rpm and 13.8 Nm at 6,000 rpm. Along with the Gixxer series, Suzuki also updated the Gixxer 250, Gixxer SF 250 and the V-Strom SX with OBD-2B and new colour schemes.