Kia India has announced a price hike for all its models sold in the Indian market. The prices of the cars sold in the Indian market will be increased by up to 2 per cent from 1 January 2025. The quantum of the hike will vary depending on the model and variant. The automaker claims that the change in the prices of vehicles is to offset the rising commodity prices and increased supply chain-related costs.
The automaker entered the Indian market in 2019 with the launch of the Seltos, a mid-size SUV sold in the country. Along with that, the brand has the Sonet representing it in the compact SUV segment. There are also models like Carens in the MPV segment and Carnival in the premium MPV segment. The automaker has premium electric vehicles on sale in the country, like EV6 and EV9. The brand is also planning on launching the Syros in the country.
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Commenting on the price adjustment, Hardeep Singh Brar, Sr. Vice President, Sales and Marketing, Kia India said, "At Kia, we are committed to delivering exceptional, technologically advanced vehicles of the highest quality to our valued customers. However, due to the persistent rise in commodity prices, unfavourable exchange rates, and increased input costs, a necessary price adjustment has become unavoidable."
He added, "Despite these challenges, Kia is absorbing a significant portion of the cost increase, minimizing the financial impact on our customers, so they can continue enjoying their favourite Kia vehicles without a major dent in their pockets".
Along with this, multiple other automakers in India, like Hyundai, Maruti Suzuki, Mahindra, and Tata Motors, have also announced a price hike for their vehicles. The changes in the prices will come into effect in January 2025. These automakers also quoted increasing input costs as a reason for the price hike.